Scalp Recuperation

1、Know how to identify properties of scalp and the common care for it.

Ever since the seasons change, besides our skin needs special care, our hair seems to need much more attention. Hair loss is one of the tough problems we need to care about.
In summer, the sebaceous gland of scalp secretes too much grease, once the hair follicle is blocked and inflamed by the secretion, the hair’s growth period may be interrupted, and you may have calvities without treatment. Of course, there are many reasons for hair loss; especially the reasons are quite different for men and women.

Generally speaking, the more slender hair and greasy scalp have the more possibilities of hair loss. However hair loss of men is the chronic hair loss (Male Pattern Baldness), which always appears from the skin on forehead and calvaria and is mainly caused by heredity or hypersecretion of sebaceous gland and may result in baldness if seriously; for women, hair loss mostly is acute (Female Pattern Baldness) and caused by post partum, amenorrhea, medicine, operation, improper diet, stress or strain and other physiological factors or excessive dyeing and marcel, pulling, dandruff and scalp itch, part of hair loss is temporary, and the other may result in hair thining even much hair loss.

1、Scalp Health Index Table: Which grade does your hair belong to? What color is your hair?
Turquoise Healthy and the hair pores can breathe freely
White, Gray Hair proes can breathe, but the scalp may suffer from pityriasis easily.
Same to the skin color Hair may easily lose
Dark pink Bacterium has aggregated
Dark red Your hair has been the seedbed for bacterium including mildew and so on
Dark The hair pores can not breathe freely, and your scalp may suffer from eczema easily
Cells of epicuticula are abnormal
Horniness of hair pore is abnormal
Hair pore is suffering from microbism.
Hair loses seriously, along with folliculitis and pathological changes on scalp and other diseases.
The blocked pore and scalp
The healthy scalp after conditioning

1.Identify by hand – use your finger pulp to test elasticity of your scalp:
a. Moderate elasticity means scalp is healthy
b.ard and no elasticity feeling means the scalp doesn’t breathe enough.
c.Too soft feeling means you should pay attention to your organs of body.

2.Dectector – Detect the front, back, left, right or any other area of scalp to identify the thickness of horniness, the health of scalp and the count of hair.

3.Use the SIG Computer Diagnosis System for Hair Breeding & Care to make the best indentification and conditioning methods.

2、How to care your hair

1.The causes of pathological changes on scalp
The serious pathological changes are due to insufficient function of immunologic system of the body, which can not kill the pathogen by metaboly and has to seek help from the specialized medicine. However the medicine can be nothing but antibiotic, steroid and so on, which can not treat the diseases thoroughly. If the scalp touches the air for a long time, the animalcule in the air and hair washing, dyeing, marcel and styling (by fixature or mineral) may more easily cause hair pores to not breathe enough, get tight and have pathological changes.


2.Knowledge about healthy scalp
Only to strengthen the hair follicle can let you have healthy hair and delay your hair loss, and prevention is more important than treatment. As long as you form the correct care habits, you scalp will have no problems or pathological changes and have healthy hair follicles.


3.Care of hair follicles and scalp
Scalp is the first part of your skin, it is much thinner than the skin of the other part of your body, however it is on the frontline of protecting your head, and moreover it is the soil for your hair to grow. And the only way to treat the pathological changes thoroughly is to clean up the grease and dirt on scalp, let scalp breathe freely, strengthen the tissue of hair follicles and activate the cells to promote metabolism normalization.


4.The fundamental care method is to wash your hair properly.
The aims for hair washing are to clean up the grease and dirt on your hair and scalp and make them cleaning and healthy. But if using improper shampoo may cause the hard breath of scalp and burden for hair. Content of sebum is different for different persons; the scalp may be too greasy if the sebum is too much, and the hair may be too dry if the sebum is too little, therefore we should choose carefully the professional shampoo specially used for scalp.

Scalp may be massaged by wooden comb to promote the blood circulation of scalp before hair washing. (This also can make dirt in the hair pores and dandruff on the scalp easier to wash off.) Then use your fingers’ pulp to massage the scalp softly and do not scratch your skin with nails in case of imflamation of your skin, and try to wash your hair cleanly when flushing water.

2、Symptoms of the scalp and the causes
  1、The importance to clean scalp and make hair pores unblocked
1. The oxygen we need not only comes from the lungs’ breath, but also comes from the skin’s breath, and the waste air in our bodies is ejected in the two ways too.

The main two functions of hair pores: 1.Breath 2.Excretion
The oxygen air needed by our brain is 3 times more than other parts of our body; otherwise the function of brain would degenerate. And our memory would degenerate if our brains only get the oxygen air two times more than other parts of our body.
In addition, hair grows from the hair follicles and streches out through the follicles, normally the healthy person with regular life is the best environment of hair growing, and the hair pores can not easily be blocked, therefore the bacterium may not easily grow on the scalp.

  On the other hand, the person with blocked hair pores always secrets too much grease, which together with the microorganism in the air can form dirts and block the pores from inside to outside, then the person becomes the best environment for bacterium growing, and feels itching on scalp even has more dandruff, then the scalp would have pathological changes, more over the abnormal hair loss may happen and the hair would get thinner and thinner.

2、The factors to cause the pathological changes of scalp
There are many factors can cause pathological changes of scalp, and the factors may be divideded into the internal factors and external factors according to the different diseases, and the two kinds of factors can cause quite different diseases, many causese of which haven’t been discovered yet.

The internal factors:
Taking medicine, accepting injection and food, organs, blood, vitamine deficiency, heredity and abnormal internal secretion and so on.

The external factors:
Stimulations such as trauma, titillation, friction, pressure, animal, plant, poison, medicine, chemistry, hotness, coldness, ultraviolet radiation, louse, protozoon, epiphyte and bacterium and so on.

Common symptoms
Capillary blood vessel
It may be easily confused with trichophyton.
The mildew and microorganism on the surface of scalp may cause itching through infection.
Sebum keratinizes
The growth of cuticle of hair pores is affected by the abnormal sebum that blocks the hair follicles and hair root sheath.
lains (mildew)
Many internal and external factors cause the infection by bacterium, and the symptoms include flush, hotness, gall and different kinds of blains such as green pus, black pus, red pus, yellow pus, white pus and water pus.
Red and Turgid scalp
Allergy caused by medicine and extender, abnormal hyperplasia of the tissue of cuticle cells, inflammation of the grease layer, abnormal metabolism and insufficient vitamins.
Mature scurf is farinos without core, but the horny layer may peel off in the sharp of flakiness and turn to be the dandruff if affected by psoriasis, seborrheic mildew, pityrosporum ovalde, trichophyta, mircogemma trichophyta and improper chemicals.
Broken hair
Hair shaft was broken by the internal factors of body and improper operation by manual strength when it is still alive.
Greasy hair
Taking too much animal fat, accumulating stress for a long time, staying up late in night successively can cause too much secretion of sebaceous gland.
Psoriasis of scalp
It is caused by much stress, many worries, insufficient sleep, bad mood, dominant inheritance, drug, excessive drinking and smoking and vitamines insufficient.
It is caused by effect of allergy gene and environment, infection of microorganism and stimulations of chemical and silk.
Hair loss

Hair loss refers to the hair roots shrink due to some internal or external factors before a human dieds.

Internal factors – diseases by inheritance, insufficient internal serection and nutrition, treatment for cancer, insufficient vitamines, insufficient mineral (iron, copper, zinc), pregnancy, delivery, catching cold, losing blood, medicine, dysthyroidism, pressure and serious diseases.
External factors – radiation, partial eclipse, diet, excessive ultraviolet radiation and chemistry infection.

Scalp may be infected by trichophyton because of the outside environment or reduced performance of body function. The trichophyta of trichophyton has microspore trichophyta,hair trichophyta, skin trichophyta and so on.
Seborrheic scalp
The conten of serum in body and the ratio of cholesterin in skin to the lecithin are low, and factors such as gene, improper food, diseases of stomach and intestines, abnormal metabolism and internal secretion, insufficient vitamines and neuropsychosis can cause such symptoms.
When the microorganism in the air or water accretes on the wet hair, the moderate temperature on scalp formed by the tying or up hair may allow microorganism to change into epiphyte.
The growth of skin of hair pores is affected by the abnormal protein and sebum, then the hair pores suffers from hyperkeratosis and forms embolism.
Bacterium in the air and water may accrete on our skin and hair, which is hard to eliminate.
Hair cannot grow up.
The hair pores may be blocked or coarctate by the pathologic, physical, chemical and occupational factors and prevent the hair to grow up.
Hair bitten by trichophyton
When the spores of mircogemma trichophyta, hair trichophyta, skin trichophyta break into the hair shaft and damage the pinacocytes of epidermal layer, longcells of cortical layer and oleonucleo protein cells of medullae layer, the hair shaft may be broken.
Allergic hair
The scalp may be allergic because of the abnormal metabolism of skin, disordered internal secretion, imbalance of nutrition, stress and reduced performance of body.
Dry hair
When the cells of horny layer are damaged, moist and protection function will be weak and water will be drained out, then the vitality of cuticle cells will be weak and the epicuticula will turn to be dry.
3、Symptoms of scalp and the conditioning methods – by vegetable, fruit and other food
Conditioning Methods by vegetable and fruit
‧Apple + Leaf of celery + Carrot + Tomato ( 1: 1 :1 :1) + Water+Honey → Beat up them into Juice
‧Actinidia berry+ Apple (1 :1) + Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice
‧Actinidia berry+ Sunflower Seeds (1 :1/4) + Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice
‧Apple + Banana + Clover (1: 1 :1) +Water+Honey → Beat up them into Juice
‧Lotus Root + Mulberry + Apple (1:1:1)+ Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice
Do not drink milk and alcohol, not eat egg, seafood with shell, banana, strawberry, aubergine, leek, flower of leek, pickle vegetable, geese, duck, mutton, fresh garlic, peanut, sesame and caffeine and smoke, eat vegetable as much as possible, however the diabetics can just eat some not much, and do not scratch the scalp with nails.
Red and Turgid scalp
‧Pineapple + Celery(with leave) (1 :1) + Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice
‧Little Cucumber + Pineapple (without core)+ Lemon
‧Celery + Pineapple (without core)+ Lemon+ Honey
‧Actinidia berry+ Apple (1 :1) + Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice
Do not drink milk and not eat egg, seafood with shell, banana, strawberry, aubergine, leek, flower of leek, pickle vegetable, geese, duck, mutton, fresh garlic, peanut and sesame, eat green vegetable as much as possible, however the hypertensive can just eat some not much, and do not scratch the scalp with nails.
‧Apple + Caraway + Carrot (1:0.5:1) + Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice
‧Apple + Leaf of celery + Carrot + Tomato ( 1: 1 :1 :1) + Water+Honey → Beat up them into Juice Tomato + Cooked Green Soy Bean (1 :1) + Apple+Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice
‧Apple + Carrot +Banana (1:1:1) +Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice
‧Cook Jew’s-ear + Tremella (1:1) + Sugar Candy Tomato (with peel off) + Lettuce (1:1) + Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice
‧Tomato (with peel off) + Carrot (1:1) + Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice
Do not eat food containing coffein, excitant food and not drink or smoke, ensure sufficient sleep and normal defecation, and diabetics can just eat some of the conditioning food, then do not scratch the scalp with nails.
Broken hair
Cook Jew’s-ear + Tremella (1:1) + Sugar Candy  Identify where the hair is broken firstly (1). Close to the scalp (2). 1/2 or 2/3 part of the soften keratinose (3). Not close to the scalp. Different broken part of hair means the different properties, and for the details please refers to the picture about Broken Hair. Do not use nylon or metal comb.
Greasy hair
  Do not eat greasy food, food containing coffein and skin or fat of animals, peanut and sesame, and diabetics can just eat some of the conditioning food.
Dry hair
Actinidia berry+ Apple (1 :1) + Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice Do not eat food containing cayenne and coffein, not eat fresh fresh garlic, not drink or smoke, do use good wooden comb often.
‧Orange + Apple + Celery (1:1:1/2 +Water) → Beat up them into Juice + Lemon Juice.
‧Peach + Plum (1:1) + Water → Beat up them into Juice + Honey + Lemon Juice
Do not eat seafood with shell, pickle vegetable, aubergine, leek, flower of leek, banana, strawberry, geese, duck, mutton, fresh garlic, peanut and sesame, and do not scratch scalp with nails.Please keep stable mental. It would be the best if drinking up the grap juice with seeds. Patience suffering psoriasis can drink milk, eat egg and fish with red meat, but do not eat other red meat (such as pork, mutton, beef). And patience suffering psoriasis can not drink milk and eat egg. Hypertensive can just have little of them please.
Carrot, Green Pepper, Celery (including the leave), Cole, Cantaloup (1:1:1/3:1/3: 1) +Water → Beat up them into Juice + Lemon Juice Currant (dunked in water) + Apple + Cole (1/3:1:1) → Beat up them into Juice + Water + HoneyTomato + Sugarcane Juice + Lotus Root (1:2:1) → Beat up them into Juice Do not eat sesame and its oil, balsam pear, seafood with shell, pickled vegetable, cayenne, fresh garlic, shallot, litchi, durian, and do not drink or smoke, eat little food containing coffein, and eat coix seed with brown sugar often, however diabetic can only eat little brown sugar.
Hair loss
‧Carrot + Cole + Orange (1:1: 1)+ Water → Beat up them into Juice + Honey, Lemon juice.
‧Carrot + Tomato + Apple (1:1: 1) + Water → Beat up them into Juice + Honey, Lemon Juice
Ensure metabolism is in order and sufficient sleep, do not eat drink containing carbonic acid, coffein and alcohol, and check the color and shape of feces (you may consult the conditioner about the details), do ingest Vitamin B Complex (which includes folic acid, nicotinamide acid and pantothenic acid ), and comb hair with wooden comb.
Hair breeding
Tomato + Green Pepper + Apple + Celery (with leave) (1:1:1:1/2 + Water → Beat up them into Juice + Lemon Juice. ‧Carrot Juice, Green Pepper, Celery (including leave), Cole, Cantaloup (1:1:1/3:1/3: 1) + Water → Beat up them into Juice + Lemon Juice. ‧Currant (dunked in water) + Apple + Cole (1/3:1:1) → Squeez to Juice + Water + HoneyTomato + Sugarcane Juice + Lotus Root (1:2:1) → Squeez to Juice Do not eat excitant food, ensure stable mental and enough sleep.
Hair Growth
Lettuce + Korean Vegetable + Apple + Currant(1:1:1:15 Currants)+ Water + Honey → Squeez to JuiceCelery + Carrot + Apple + Milk(1/3: 1:1:1) → Beat up them into Juice + Honey, Lemon Juice Eat little excitant food, ensure enough sleep, comb hair with wooden comb
‧Lotus Root + Mulberry + Apple (1:1:1)+ Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice
‧Watermelon Peel + Mulberry + Apple (1:1:1)+ Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice
‧Jujube (with peel) + Cucumber (with peel) + Apple (1:1:1) +Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice
Breathe fresh air and drink cleaning water, ensure sufficient sleep, do not eat much excitant food and not stay up in night. The treatment effect would be better after using the SIG Mineral product.
Seborrheic Scalp
‧Banana + Cabbage Bud + Pumpkin Seed + (1:1:0.5) + Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice
Pineapple (without core)+ Apple + Lettuce + Sunflower Seed (1:1:0.5) + Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice
‧Apple + Banana + Clover (1: 1 :1) +Water+Honey → Beat up them into Juice
Do not eat excitant food or food containing coffein, not drink or smoke, and not stay up in night.
‧Banana + Cabbage Bud + Pumpkin Seeds + (1:1:0.5) + Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice.
‧Pineapple (without core)+ Apple + Lettuce + Sunflower Seeds (1:1:0.5) + Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice.
‧Apple + Banana + Clover (1: 1 :1) +Water+Honey → Beat up them into Juice.
‧Lotus Root + Mulberry + Apple (1:1:1)+ Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice
‧Watermelon Peel + Mulberry + Apple (1:1:1)+ Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice <}97{>
‧Jujube (with peel) + Cucumber (with peel) + Apple (1:1:1) +Water + Honey → Beat up them into Juice
and ventilate, and often clean up the pillow and towel.