Product Brands > Body Nice Products

Shen Chia Vitality Cellulose

Place of origin|United States


detailsProduct Features

This item supplies the body with plentiful nutrition and vitality.

detailsMajor components

An alkali food, insuring balanced nutrition and keeping the human blood value at 7.4, is perfectly composed of following ingredients. They are golden cereal powder, U.S. Sedona, green lentil, reddish lentil, shelled red lentil, black lentil, golden lentil, open-headed peas, black soybean, black-angle peas, soft white wheat, whole-grain barley, French green lentil, walnut, spinach, lotus seed, pumpkins, celery, tomato, 30-billion synthetic lactic acid germs, carrot, grapefruit, useful germs, onion, soybean, coix lacryma-jobi seed, flaxen seed, pine seed, Chinese kale, cauliflower, apple, apple fiber, soy lecithin, coarse rice, wheat seedling powder, barley seedling powder, acerola berry extract, oats, astragalus hoangtchy powder, raspberry, FOS, synthetic digestive ferment, wild rice, plantain seed, spirulina, corn, rye, millet, durum wheat, buck wheat, and black sesame.


One pack for one day. Mix it with 300~350cc warm water, fresh milk, fruit juice or soybeam milk. Evenly blend the mixture and drink it before you eat breakfast in the morning. After drinking it, you have to drink boiled water with the quantity equivalent to that of this drink. (Note: 1. The temperature of the warm water should not exceed 50℃. 2. Within 2 hours after drinking it, you should not eat meat and eggs. 3. The opened package should be stored in the deep freezer.)