If a teen-ager has excessive grease secretion on scalp, alopecia or white/grey hair, does the problem have connection with heredity?
- If a teen-ager has excessive grease secretion on scalp, alopecia or white/grey hair, does the problem have connection with heredity? Heredity cannot make a person have alopecia before the age of 30 or have unusual white/grey hair before 40. But if one has any of these problems before the mentioned age, one should take care of the functions of the kidney and endocrine.
What are the causes for telogen effluvium?
- If one loses more than 150 hairs daily in the seasons of spring and summer or more than 200 hairs daily in autumn and winter, this is a warning that one has the problem of telogen effluvium. This problem may be caused by one’s nervousness, great stress, declining organs’ functions, assimilation of unbalanced nutrition, irregular daily life, usage of improper chemical products, such as styling gel and shampoo, or improperly electric curling or dyeing hair.
Why do hairs fall?
- Hairs have automatic function of metabolism. When a hair is getting into the initial stage of falling, its cells crack into new capillary mother cells and the old hair falls. The maximum daily fallen hairs in the seasons of spring and summer are 100~150 and 150~200 daily in the seasons of autumn and winter.
Does frequent electric curling or dyeing hair impair the quality of hair?
- It is not necessarily to be so. It is up to the property of the hair lotion that one uses and the knowledge of the structure of hair cells that one’s hairstyle designer has.
How to prevent baldhead? Is there any remedy for baldhead?
- It is important to observe the fallen hair and examine its root from time to time. The basic method of prevention is never staying awake until deep into the night, stopping drinking wine, relaxing from great stress, assimilating balanced nutrition, stopping daily hair wash, often combing hair in the direction of reverse gravitation with a wooden comb with ball-pointed teeth, and regularly asking a professional to examine the function of your scalp with a state-of-the-art computer-control tester for scalp. Besides, you must adopt products suitable for your scalp and able to reduce the quantity of daily hair shedding. So long as you can improve the function of your scalp and open the pores of the scalp to activate the follicles, you’ll have a chance to be saved from the danger of baldhead.
Is the TV news true or not that some clinics help patients change scalp for re-growth of hair?
- Maybe true and maybe not. It is up to the function of one’s skin. As a matter of fact, there is no connection between the epidermis of scalp and the dermis where follicles are.
What is the real cause for baldhead or severe telogen effluvium?
- There are multiple causes for it, such as stress, suffering shock, endocrinopathy, malnutrition, abnormal habits of eating, improper method of losing weight, over exhaustion, abnormal metabolism, seborrheic dermatitis, congenital gene, gastrointestinal diseases, deficiency in vitamins, such pathological diseases as syphilis, tuberculosis, HSV (herpes simplex virus), basal-cell carcinoma, muooepidernoid carcinoma, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, lichen planus, leprosy, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, leukaemia, and acute lymph tumor, chemotherapy and improper chemicals.
Should I undergo hair care to improve my telogen effluvium?
- The situation is not necessarily improved even though you undergo hair care. To make good use of the body’s self-control mechanism is more effective than any therapy.
How long will it take for the growth of new hair after one undergoes SIG hair care?
- The time spent varies with the patient’s constitution, habits & customs, mood, mental stress and food & drinks.
Why does telogen effluvium/hair shedding start from the forehead?
- It is not necessarily to be so. Only male baldheads have telogen effluvium/hair shedding from foreheads. Baldness in different area of the scalp implies different meaning.
Does it mean that I’ll be bald because I have sparse hair at the top of my head?
- Sparse hair does not necessarily lead to baldness, because baldness is decided by the cause for sparse hair. But if one’s telogen effluvium/hair shedding continues and results in less than 75~100 hairs within 1cm2 scalp, one is in an initial stage of baldness.
How shall I select hair-growth lotion for myself among lots of brands sold in market?
- As technology continues developing, people, who want to select proper products for themselves, should ask for assistance of professionals and the state-of-the-art tester for scalp for understanding the cause for their unusual telogen effluvium/hair shedding and the type of their scalp.
Will a wig make my hair sparse?
- It is the quality of a wig, not the wig itself that makes a wearer apt to lose hair. A wig, which insures better air-permeability, has less adverse influence over the breathing of the pores on the scalp and less interference to the function of the hair as well.
As I often lose some of my hairs, does this have connection with my family’s heredity or only with my constitution?
- One’s losing hairs does not absolutely have connection with the family’s heredity or the constitution, but is affected by one’s habits of living, habits of eating and drinking, mental stress and working environment. You can gradually get rid of this trouble if you can fall asleep by 11 o’clock every night, assure assimilation of balanced nutrition and have good moods all the time.
Is it good to wash hair daily? Do daily wash impair the quality of hair?
- 2~3 hair washes per week are recommended for better protection of keratin of the hair and less impairment of the quality of hair. (The quality of adopted shampoo is important.)
Why a small circle was left on my scalp where hairs had fallen?
- The factor resulting in it is divided into an internal factor and an external one. The internal factor denotes that the body’s immune system turns abnormal and thus nutrition cannot be completely delivered to the root of hair. The external factor denotes that hairs stand carelessly pull by force and thus a great deal of air gets into the hypodermis of the scalp with the result of hindering the delivery of nutrition.
Why I have lots of white/grey hairs? What shall I do to improve the situation?
- (1) Normal hairs turn white when the consumption of the activity of tyrosinase reduces the normal operation of melanin because of quickly increasing secretion of adrenocortical hormone affected by the body’s central nervous system and internal system.
(2) This situation can be improved if one can keep relaxed all the time, sleep well every night and insure assimilation of balanced nutrition. Besides, it is recommended to gently comb hair and scalp in the direction of reverse gravitation with a wooden comb with ball-pointed teeth.
Why my hairs easily fall in washing?
- When a hair is in a stage of falling or a stage of repose it easily falls even though only 20g external force is imposed on it.
(2) Several other factors resulting in this phenomenon are the change of seasons, long period of sitting up overnights, clogged pores, inferior circulation, insufficient supply of nutrition to keratin, declining body’s functions, quality of the adopted shampoo and method of washing hair.
Is it normal for a person to lose up 100 hairs daily?
- A normal person has about 100 thousands~150 thousands hairs, who loses about 100~150 hairs daily in the seasons of spring and summer and about 150~200 hairs daily in the seasons of autumn and winter.
Why did my scalp feel uncomfortable after I had my hair dyed?
- There are several probable causes:
(1) allergic genes contained in one’s constitution,
(2) deficiency in free fatty acid in scalp, and thus no hair wash before hair dyeing,
(3) improper operation applied,
(4) improper product adopted,
(5) allergy caused by long-period taking a medicine, such as sedative, painkiller, antibiotics and steroid.
Why I had inflammation and rubeola on my scalp even though I did not undergo scalp care? What shall I do to improve this situation?
- (1) As one’s body has ability to perform metabolism, when the residuals of the medicine and the functions of the body reduce under the adverse influence of the interfered grease secretion, gathering internal toxin and increasing kinds and quantities of the bacteria, the body’s immune system is activated and thus the body’s ability to perform metabolism reduces, which causes inflammation on the scalp. When the foregoing causes result in reduced function of the skin and the abnormal function of metabolism adversely influences the structure of skin cells, cells are in a state of serial connection to reflect this phenomenon and thus rubeola grows.
(2) Application of improvement is divided into two parts: the internal and the external. The internal: You should regulate the habits of your eating and drinking and your time of working and resting, make proper exercises and assimilate balanced nutrition for increasing the body’s resisting power and quickening the body’s ability to perform metabolism and purifying. The external: You may use SIG Mineral Mud and Organic Cream or SIG biochemical products to relieve rubeola. If the scope of rubeola is too large, you may additionally adopt agent to stimulate growth of new skin and to recover the growing power of cells. If all this is not helpful, you must ask for a doctor’s treatment.
Why did I have more dandruff when I was undergoing SIG scalp care?
- Minerals keep corneum cells in a state as nucleate substances, which makes hazardous germs more easily removed and falling with dandruff. So, the increase of dandruff is a normal phenomenon in purification. You may comb the hair and the scalp with a comb for activating O3 or a wooden comb to quicken falling of dandruff with germs.
Why did pustules appear on my scalp when I was undergoing SIG scalp care?
- This is a normal phenomenon because the mineral makes dermatophyte more easily carried in pustules and removed for attaining the function of purification.
Why sometimes the phenomena of excessive grease secretion on scalp, unusual elopecia and white/grey hair appear on teen-agers?
- If a teen-ager at puberty with changing hormone suffers mental stress, has habits of assimilating balanced nutrition, drinking too much carbonic acid beverage and eating too much fried food or sweet snacks, is deficient in vitamins or is accustomed to sitting up late every night or eating improper medicines that adversely influence the secretion of adrenocortical hormone, the mentioned phenomena will appear on him.
What shall I do for the itching scalp?
- You may select JEO or SIG shampoo suitable for your hair. Mix it with SIG eucalyptus essential oil and then dilute them with water (1:10). Before you wash the hair, shake the diluted mixture well. For assuring the recovery of the function of scalp, it is necessary to spend at least 15 minutes to wash hair. Besides, you may also apply the mixture of organic cream plus ice water (1:3 or 1:4) when you undergo scalp care.
Why did my scalp itch when I was undergoing scalp care?
- There are two reasons for the itching.
(1) In the process of scalp care, as the mineral makes dermatophyte gather around the pores, which weakens the function of metabolism and interferes the activity of cells, the scalp, stimulated by the microbes, itches.
(2) When the temperature of the water is higher than that of the scalp, a large quantity of the mineral gets into the scalp through the pores and continues its function in the scalp and thus the scalp itches.
What causes fragile stratum corneum?
- The causes for it include declining body’s functions, treatment with improper chemicals, remains of the medicine, dermatophilus and excessive germs, sensory system, nervous system, internal secretion system and the function of blood vessels.
Why does scalp itch?
- The causes for itching scalp include the changes of seasons, humidity and temperature, gathering of dermatophyte, declining body’s functions, fragile stratum corneum of the scalp.
What is the connection between dermatophyte and scalp?
- Scalp without dermatophyte is healthy scalp, and hairs growing on healthy scalp should be healthy. Healthy scalp and hair with better absorption of nutrition and better function of circulation for certain insure good condition of the body.
How long will it take to recover healthy scalp after the application of scalp care?
- The function of metabolism varies with individuals, and so does the capability of the immune system and the circulatory system. For this reason, there is not specified duration of scalp care. But it is undoubted that the function of scalp should be more quickly awakened and activated through the scalp care than by the natural function of metabolism. Therefore, it is inferred from this fact that about 10 times of scalp care are necessary for discharging dermatophyte and improving the scalp with the function of metabolism back to normal. Besides, it is important for you to have good habits in daily life and select proper quality products for your hair and scalp.
Does dermatophyte affect health?
- Too much dermatophyte aggravates the function of skin and scalp or even bites off a hair and gets into the follicles through the cortex of the shaft. This does not only adversely influence the function of papilla but also impairs the body’s condition if dermatophyte gets into blood capillaries and was delivered in the circulating blood to every part of the body.
How to prevent dermatophyte on the scalp?
- (1) Keep your living environment ventilated.
(2) Have good habits and customs and take care of assimilating balanced nutrition.
(3) Make use of the microelements contained in SIG Mineral Mud to bring hazardous germs out of the scalp and thus advantageous germs may produce more power to strengthen the function of metabolism that helps remove dermatophyte away the purified scalp and restore the function of the scalp.
Why telogen effluvium/hair shedding arises when the scalp looks more yellow or has dull color?
- The cell tissue of scalp is under the control of the body’s function. When the body’s function turns abnormal, the message is transmitted among cells and the structure of the cell tissue shows unusual color, such as yellow and dull color that express inferior circulatory system and deficiency in breathing. When pores on the scalp are clogged or nutrition cannot be delivered to the scalp, hair is apt to fall.
What causes excessive quantities of dandruff?
- Keratinocytes will turn to flakes of dandruff if they fail to reach maturity because of dermatophyte, chronic eczema, seborrheic skin, mold fungus, improper chemicals, virus causing a patient to have a feeling of chill, or physical or pathological factor.
Shall I have trouble with telogen effluvium/hair shedding because of the excessive grease secretion and dandruff on my scalp?
- If the sebaceous gland has large quantities of grease secretion for a long period, the function of hair mother cells for receiving and delivering nutrition will be interfered. This will lead to the atrophy of mother cells and telogen effluvium/hair shedding. There are multiple causes for dandruff, and it is the symptom of dandruff that decides the possibility of telogen effluvium/hair shedding. You had better consult with a professional in scalp care/nursing.
Why I have the itching scalp when I was wearing a safety helmet?
- As the safety helmet closely contacts the wearer’s scalp, the breathing of pores is hindered and thus the microbes existing in the hair and on the scalp attach to the inside wall of the helmet. After your scalp contact the inside wall of the helmet for a period, the function of the scalp stratum corneum is reduced and your scalp is apt to be itching so long as it undergoes little irritation.
Why my oily scalp is not improved even I wash my hair every day?
- If hair is washed every day, it will stimulate the secretion of the oil gland and thus more oil will be secreted. The situation will get worse if one has habits of smoking, drinking wine, sitting up late in the night, eating lots of fried food and stimulants, or long-time using 2-in-one shampoo and mineral hair tonics.
Why my hair is apt to be oily?
- This is because oil granules, protein and cells of the medulla in the hair shaft turn abnormal.
Is there any connection between telogen effluvium & unhealthy scalp and the habit of eating and drinking?
- Yes, there is. Abnormal habits & customs, moods, medicines and chemicals adopted are important factors resulting in telogen effluvium.
Why I always have much dandruff for which none of the selected shampoo brands is efficacious?
- Dandruff is formed by immature keratinocytes and the factor resulting in it is divided into inner factor and outer factor. The outer factor includes improper chemicals and physical cause and the inner factor includes bad habits & customs, improper medicines, mental stress, deficiency in vitamins and malnutrition, which cause declining function of the body and adversely influence the metabolism of keratinocytes.