Product Brands > SIG&JEO Products>Baby Skin

SIG Natural Dead Sea Salt

Place of origin|Israel

Capacity|1000 ml

detailsProduct Features

1.Reduces cumulative fat and softens stratum corneum.
2.Removes bacteria and body’s unpleasant smell.
3.Improves sensitive skin.
4.Relieves the bites of mosquitoes.
5.Stimulates the blood circulation and metabolism.
6.Relaxes the stress and eliminates exhaustion.

detailsMajor components

26 mineral microelements are contained, such as magnesium, calcium, bromine, chromium and iron.


1.Apply the wetted salt on the body or the affected parts and then gently rub the skin; or wrap the salt in gauze or fine cotton cloth and soak it in warm water and then massage the skin with it. The feeling of smoothness insures good effect.
2.Dissolve 200g SIG Dead Sea Mineral Salt in a bath tub containing 80 liter warm water at the temperature of 38~40℃. Take a 15~20 minute bath in the tub, in which you have to wash and massage the body with a towel or a piece of sponge. After leaving the tub, cover your body with a large bath towel or wear a bathrobe and drink a large glass of warm water. If you have perspired in quantity, you have to rinse with warm water once more. For better effect, it is recommended to have lively music accompanying you in the whole course.
3.Directly put a piece of soaked Dead Sea Mineral Salt on the foot, the part of rough skin or the bite of the mosquito and leave it there for about 15 minutes. For better effect, you are recommended to once more immerse your body in the warm mineral water for 10 minutes.